Page name: We Are All Idiots Committee [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-10-04 03:12:54
Last author: Thunder Cid
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We Are All Idiots Committee

Committee members:

Head of the Committee: [Imperator]
Idiot #1: [Mortified Penguin] (dur hur)
Idiot #2: [Sagacious Turkey]
Idiot #3: [AuroraLumos] must admit... I was rather silly.
Idiot #4: [moira hawthorne] I pitched in a few
Idiot #5: [*Phoenix*] I jumped in at the end...
Idiot #6: [Chimes] Official Installer of Buttons Pointless and Obscure. :P
Idiot #7: [Thunder Cid] Scared out of his freaking mind *fetal position*


- Formed during the great Amount vs Number Scandal of ‘08 on Which Font Are You?, this committee was organized to nit-pick its way through stacks of stupid opinions and thoughtless concepts. Crisis was averted after the committee decided to follow common sense and choose “Number” as suggested by the brilliant [Imperator].
- After [Chimes] built a small hut to replace Bob's Diner after it was blown up, [Imperator] ordered a committee intern to check the hut for building code violations. He has yet to return with his findings but [Chimes] has assured us that the self-destruct button works properly.
- Following an armed attack on Bob's Diner by a masked man by the name of "Ashley", the committee (actually just [Imperator]) has declared a man-hunt for this criminal!

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